
Opinion about video

Hello everyone today I am going to tell you about the main ideas about the video seen in classes. Currently the big digital entrepreneurs are only interested in earning a lot of money, also for them it is only important to  find a place to take refuge when the world as such is over. Nowadays the digital era has repressed the creativity of the humans, being only important the data that can be obtained from people. Entrepreneurs make us believe for example that through social networks we are much more connected to other people, but this is false, because only an exchange of data is achieved and cross-information,but true effective communication is very diferent from this. Many people today think that humans are the problem and that the only solution is the technology, human beings are not popular today, they are the culprits of all existing problems. Something very important that was said in the video is that technology must be stopped to optimize humans for the mar...


Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you about the changes that I think my study program should have. First of all, I feel that I have had subjects that do not serve their purpose much, for example in the first year I had a subject called psychobiology, the teacher was very friendly, but what he taught  us was not very useful. I remember also in the first year I had the subject of research methodology, I think that subject should have been in the fourth year closer. my thesis. I think the difficulty of the tests are adequate, but I tkink the teachers make us work too much in a group, with this we are overloaded with work and at least it is not easy for me to work with other people. I think that this University has serious problems using  technology, it was common that in classes the computers or speakers would not work, even the internet sometimes also fails. The teachers in general are excellent, they know perfectly the theory they teach, but I feel that some...

Video 2


Personal opinion

Hi everyone,today I am going to tell you about my opinion on the following topics: Violence on television I think that the levels of violence that appear on television are high, I am not an expert but I think that this can influence children to be violent. It is interesting how people are affected more by a kiss between two men than scenes of fight or violence. The news are the most evident sample of the high levels of violence on television. I believe that this situation must change, it can not be possible that television channels intend to show what they want to sell. Legalizyng marijuan and other drugs In my opinion marijuana must be legalized ,this is a good way to fight drug trafficking. Some people may not agree with me, but I dont agree that other drugs should be legalized,because the hardest drugs are harmful to the health of people. Marijuana has different uses, from recreational to therapeutic use, this last use motivates me to agree on the legali...

Postgraduate Studies

Hi everyone,today I am going to tell you about postgraduate studies. Once I  finish my career, I wish to continue increasing my knowledge. To begin I will study a diploma in educational psychology at the University of Chile, because the University  gives me the possibility to start it even if I have not finished my psychology degree.Another possibility that this university gives me it is to validate the subjects of the diploma to start a master. I would like to learn more about forms of intervention and therapy with teenagers and people with drug abuse, I would also like to learn more about educational policies. I dont like to travel, thats why my graduate studies I would like to do it here in Chile,I would also like to be able to do my studies in  part time mode, since I would like to work without problems. I know that the postgraduate studies are very expensive in this country, but I hope to be able to apply for a scholarship, although I see it a bit difficult. ...

My future job

Hi everyone,today I am going to tell you about my future job. My biggest dream is to have a meaningful job, a place where I can really help people, and job where I feel comfortable. I dont like to work indoors full time that´s why I want to have a job in a place that doesnt require me to sit for eigth hours , where I do not feel  locked and every day is a new adventure. I would like to work outside of an office, but hopefully within the same city because I dont like to travel, I always end up very tired when I travel. The salary is something important for me, I can not lie, but I also know that I will not become a millionaire with my career,.When I chose to study psychology I did it for helping people, not for money, I just want to live comfortably and without needs thanks to my work. In my career we have the possibility to deepen more in some area of psychology,but I took subjects from all areas, because I still do not know in what specific area I want to work, I like educationa...

My favorite subject
